Why do we find old buildings and books more beautiful than modern ones
Ask practically anyone about a book they think is beautiful or of good quality, and they will most likely name an author from the past. The same is true of buildings; few would choose a modern building. From this one…
Partnered cohabitation with shared hobbies
The butterfly collection Invite a girl to a butterfly collection? She would have to love you a lot to be able to tolerate this hobby of yours. Being a passionate entomologist was extremely exciting in the era of black and…
Partners vyznává krásu
Vemem podle vás spoíívákrása? Já na krásnou Institute of Metrology and Control tak moc nehledím, Ale když semi tteba njjak mu muž líbí,je mi sympatick t tak se na njj moc ráda usmjiji. Nevím jak vy, Ale já Experimental mechanics…
Empathy for others
“What do you like most? For example, clothes, animals, favorite flowers, movies. But I\’ve heard and read that people like a person within three seconds and know within a minute if that person is good in bed or in love.…
Alcoholism is a serious problem
About 500,000 Czechs are alcoholics. However, this is only a statistic of those who have confided their addiction to a doctor, for example. Thus, the number of addicts could be dramatically higher, and it is no wonder that alcohol is…
I like to wear hats
Fashion today is so diverse that you can actually choose what you want to wear. Of course, you don\’t have to stick to what\’s trendy or what\’s being worn right now at all. What is in fashion now. Many people…
Společnost, kolektiv
gimp je mu opra gdu nejlépe gpa,gpa se cítí opra gdu v pohodku v poáádku,že kdybyste se tebeba s někmm hádali anebo byste si s něk sim nerozumlili tak potom dopadá samozejejmku jáe máz mysk čk se chce nacházet v…
What to do when you get bored with a hobby
There is no doubt that most people have a hobby. Most people also try to pursue it whenever they have the opportunity, often much to the chagrin of family and friends. So there is no doubt that hobbies should be…